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How to entertain friends on Discord with AI

AI User utilizes OpenAI to hold conversations in Discord, supporting most interaction types. I developed AI User to entertain some friends.

Sample AI User chat
Repeating repeats
Sample AI User embed
Embeds are no problem
Sample AI User image scan
👀 It can see! It has eyes!

Features include:

AI User is a custom extension for Red1, a Discord bot framework.

For a more detailed look, see README.md here and the code too.

Concluding remarks:

My friendgroup and I were very entertained, and so are other people!

I published and updated the extension for the Redbot community and I have estimate that over 500 people23 has interacted with the AI User extension.


  1. Red-DiscordBot is a nice way to deploy a Discord bot with some included features already, check it out here

  2. estimate using 20+ hosters with some servers of 100+ people

  3. As of April 10 2024, there were 17 stars and 7 forks off the repo.